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Eluru (Andhra Pradesh)
cloudjet solar We at Vikram Solar are focused towards contributing to national and global solar transition targets. With extensive experience commissioning ground mounted and rooftop projects for Government and private entities, in utility, health, education, industry and consumer sectors, and an impressive portfolio of advanced technology modules we are advancing in creating a climate for change. Visit our Website :https://cloudjetsolar.com/ Contact US: 8989 9191 38 / 8989 9191 78
₹ 30.000,0
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Gurgaon (Haryana)
M3M Soulitude at Sector 89 Gurgaon – Luxury residential apartments Experience Blissful living in M3M Soulitude-Sector 89 Gurgaon. Experience your peaceful heaven for urban living. Located in Sector 89 Gurgaon. M3M Soulitude is a luxury residential project that is the perfect example of luxury, comfort and modernity. Designed by M3M India as part of the "My Home" series, the project offers well thought out 2.5 and 3.5 BHK low-rise boutique floors. M3M Soulitude have contemporary architecture, green grounds and many world-class features to ensure a serene and innovative living experience. The location of M3M Solitude in Sector 89 is one of its major advantages, providing good connectivity to major destinations in Gurgaon and Delhi-NCR. With easy access to NH-8, Dwarka Expressway, KMP Expressway for locals to commute to work, school , hospitals, recreation centers and can enjoy easy travel. The upcoming Metro station will further enhance the connectivity, making it a desirable location for homebuyers. M3M Soulitude is packed with amenities such as a clubhouse, swimming pool, jogging track, gym, children’s playground, landscaped gardens designed to meet the needs of modern families The project also prioritizes safety with 24/7 security and CCTV surveillance. Blending urban comfort with tranquility, M3M Soulitude is perfect for those looking to up their standard of living. M3M Soulitude Sector 89 Gurgaon, M3M Luxury residential project in sector 89 Gurgaon, M3M low-rise luxury floors 89 gurgaon, Luxury homes in Sector 89 Gurgaon 9711148881 hello@trueassetsconsultancy.com Project Link - https://www.m3mindiaproperty.com/m3m-soulitude.html
₹ 18.000.000,0
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Gurgaon (Haryana)
Elevate your pasta dishes with Veeba Alfredo Pasta Sauce. Crafted with premium ingredients, this sauce offers a creamy, cheesy delight that pairs perfectly with any pasta. With its authentic taste and silky texture, it turns an ordinary meal into a gourmet experience, making family dinners extra special. Visit :- https://veeba.in/products/white-pasta-dressing-285g Office No. 101, 1st Floor, Pegasus One, (Inside IBIS Hotel Complex) Golf Course Road, Sector 53, Gurugram Haryana, 122002 Tel-01244653250
₹ 99,0
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Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh)
Looking for the Best Dentist near Me for Wisdom Teeth Removal? Are you searching for the best dentist near you to have your wisdom teeth removed? Look no further than Smile Dental and Implant Centre, where Dr. Puli Sudhakar, with over 15 years of experience, provides painless and affordable wisdom tooth removal services. Located near AS Rao Nagar, Ecil, Kapra, Sainikpuri, Dammaiguda, Yapral, Nagaram, and Kushaiguda in Hyderabad, India, our clinic offers top-notch care and expertise for all your dental needs. Why Choose Dr. Puli Sudhakar, MDS for Wisdom Teeth Removal? When it comes to wisdom teeth removal, it is essential to trust your oral health to a skilled and experienced professional like Dr. Puli Sudhakar, MDS. With his extensive experience and expertise in oral surgery, you can rest assured that you are in good hands. Dr. Sudhakar utilizes the latest techniques and technology to ensure a painless and efficient removal process, minimizing discomfort and recovery time for his patients. What Makes Smile Dental and Implant Centre the Best Choice? At Smile Dental and Implant Centre, we prioritize patient comfort and satisfaction. Our team of dedicated professionals is committed to providing personalized care and attention to each individual who walks through our doors. Whether you visit us for a routine check-up or a more complex procedure like wisdom teeth removal, you can expect the highest quality of care and service. Check here Teeth Extraction after Care: https://smiledentalandimplantcentre.com/guidelines-for-teeth-extraction-after-care/ Check here Dilemma of Wisdom Teeth Removal: https://smiledentalandimplantcentre.com/dilemma-of-wisdom-teeth-removal/ Check Dental Hospital Near me: https://dentalhospitalnearme.in/ Dentist in AS Rao Nagar: https://asraonagardental.in/ Check dentist near me: https://dentistnearme.org.in/ Check Google Reviews and Directions: https://g.co/kgs/fpQ8Drz
₹ 0,0
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Gurgaon (Haryana)
eldeco 80 Sector 80 in Gurgaon enjoys strategic connectivity through major roads like Dwarka Expressway, offering easy access to business hubs and commercial centers. This rapidly developing area provides a range of residential options and modern amenities, complemented by proximity to shopping malls, schools, and hospitals.
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Bihar (Bihar)
हृदय रोग (सीवीडी) और यौन स्वास्थ्य: - कार्डियोवैस्कुलर की समस्या हृदय रोग से जुड़ा हुआ है, हृदय की एक ऐसी स्थिति जिसमें रोगग्रस्त वाहिकाएँ, संरचनात्मक समस्याएँ और रक्त के थक्के शामिल होते हैं। हृदय रोग के सबसे आम प्रकार में कोरोनरी धमनी रोग, उच्च रक्तचाप, हृदय गति रुकना, कंजेस्टिव हार्ट फेलियर, अतालता, परिधीय हृदय रोग, स्ट्रोक और जन्मजात हृदय रोग शामिल हैं। आज के यह सत्र हृदय रोग के कारण होने वाली यौन स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं से संबंधित है। हृदय रोग के कारण व्यक्ति के उसके यौन जीवन में क्या-क्या परेशानियां होती है। विश्व प्रसिद्ध आयुर्वेदाचार्य डॉ. सुनील दुबे, जो पटना में सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर भी हैं, कहते हैं कि हृदय, किडनी और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं के लिए दवाएँ लेते समय व्यक्ति को हमेशा सावधान रहना चाहिए, क्योंकि कुछ दवाओं का शरीर पर दुष्प्रभाव भी होता है। अतः अनुभवी डॉक्टर की देख-रेख में ही हृदय सम्बन्धी दवाओं का सेवन करे। सी.वी.डी. (हृदय रोग) के कारण यौन स्वास्थ्य पर होने वाले प्रभाव: डॉ. सुनील दुबे आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा अनुसंधान, सेक्सोलॉजी चिकित्सा विज्ञान, यौन स्वास्थ्य देखभाल पेशेवर के विशेषज्ञ हैं जो पटना, बिहार के दुबे क्लिनिक में एक सीनियर क्लिनिकल सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टर के रूप में काम करते हैं। उनका कहना है कि हृदय रोग हमेशा व्यक्ति के यौन स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित करता है और इस समस्या के कारण व्यक्ति कई तरह के गुप्त व यौन रोगों से पीड़ित हो सकता है जैसे- इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन (ईडी): हृदय रोग हमेशा लिंग क्षेत्र में रक्त के प्रवाह को कम करता है। कामेच्छा में कमी (डीएल): हार्मोन असंतुलन, तनाव और चिंता हृदय रोग के जोखिम को बढ़ाते हैं। यौन संतुष्टि में कमी: हृदय की समस्याओं के कारण दर्द, थकान और सांस की तकलीफ बढ़ सकती है और व्यक्ति को यौन संतुष्टि में कमी का अनुभव हो सकता है। एसटीआई का जोखिम बढ़ जाता है: हृदय रोग पुरुषों में प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को कमजोर करता है और यौन संचारित संक्रमणों के जोखिम को बढ़ाता है। कार्डियोवैस्कुलर के तंत्र को समझना: एथेरोस्क्लेरोसिस: रक्त वाहिकाओं का संकुचित होना, रक्त प्रवाह को कम करना। एंडोथेलियल डिसफंक्शन: बिगड़ा हुआ रक्त वाहिका कार्य। हार्मोनल असंतुलन: कम टेस्टोस्टेरोन और बढ़ा हुआ कोर्टिसोल। सूजन: बढ़ा हुआ ऑक्सीडेटिव तनाव। हृदय रोग के जोखिम कारक जो यौन स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित करते हैं: डॉ. सुनील दुबे, बिहार के सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट जो भारत के सबसे सफल आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा शोधकर्ता रहे हैं, जिन्होंने पुरुषों के विभिन्न गुप्त व यौन विकारों जैसे इरेक्टाइल डिस्फंक्शन, शीघ्रपतन, कम कामेच्छा और संक्रामक यौन समस्याओं पर अपना सफल शोध किया है। उनका कहना है कि हृदय रोग न केवल यौन स्वास्थ्य को प्रभावित करता है, बल्कि समग्र स्वास्थ्य स्थिति को भी प्रभावित करता है। यहाँ, दैनिक जीवनशैली हमेशा व्यक्तिगत स्वास्थ्य के लिए मायने रखती है। आइए उन सभी हृदय रोग जोखिम कारकों पर एक नज़र डालते हैं जो यौन स्वास्थ्य पर प्रतिकूल प्रभाव डालते हैं। उच्च रक्तचाप: उच्च रक्तचाप रक्त वाहिकाओं को नुकसान पहुंचाते है। मधुमेह: तंत्रिका क्षति और रक्त प्रवाह में कमी का होना। हाइपरलिपिडिमिया: उच्च कोलेस्ट्रॉल और एथेरोस्क्लेरोसिस का होना। धूम्रपान: संवहनी क्षति और रक्त प्रवाह में कमी का होना। मोटापा: सूजन और हार्मोनल असंतुलन का होना। सी.वी.डी. उपचार के यौन स्वास्थ्य परिणाम: दवाओं के दुष्प्रभाव: ईडी और कामेच्छा में कमी का होना। सर्जरी जटिलताएँ: ईडी और मूत्र असंयम का होना। जीवनशैली में बदलाव: शारीरिक गतिविधि में कमी का होना। सी.वी.डी. (हृदय रोग) के साथ यौन स्वास्थ्य का प्रबंधन कैसे करें: भारत में, हृदय रोग लोगो के बीच एक बड़ी चिंता का विषय है, खासकर पुरुषों में। इंडियन हार्ट एसोसिएशन (आई.एच.ए.) के अनुसार, भारतीय पुरुषों में होने वाले सभी दिल के दौरे में से 50% 50 वर्ष से कम आयु के होते हैं और 25% 40 वर्ष से कम आयु के होते हैं। वैश्विक औसत को देखते हुए भारतीय लोगों के लिए यह चिंताजनक स्थिति है। किसी स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रदाता से परामर्श लें। सी.वी.डी. जोखिम कारकों की निगरानी करें और उनका प्रबंधन करना। स्तंभन दोष और कम कामेच्छा का समाधान करना। नियमित व्यायाम करना। तनाव कम करने वाली तकनीकों का अभ्यास करना। आयुर्वेदिक उपचार और हर्बल उपचार का उपयोग करना। आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा-उपचार के लिए दुबे क्लिनिक से अपॉइंटमेंट लें: डॉ. सुनील दुबे बताते हैं कि आयुर्वेदिक उपचार और दवा किसी भी गुप्त व यौन समस्या के समाधान की सबसे सुरक्षित, सबसे अच्छी और सबसे विश्वसनीय प्राकृतिक चिकित्सा प्रणाली है। इस आयुर्वेदिक दवा का शरीर पर कोई साइड इफेक्ट नहीं है और मधुमेह, हृदय रोगी या कोई भी रोगी अपने-अपने गुप्त व यौन समस्याओं को सुधारने के लिए इसका उपयोग कर सकते है। यह आयुर्वेदिक दवा समस्त गुप्त व यौन समस्याओं से मरीज को पूरी तरह राहत दिलाती है। वे दुबे क्लिनिक में हर दिन प्रैक्टिस करते हैं, जहाँ विभिन्न प्रकार के गुप्त व यौन रोगी अपना इलाज, दवा और परामर्श लेने आते हैं। वह उन सभी को उनकी गुप्त व यौन समस्याओं के वास्तविक कारणों का पता लगाने और आयुर्वेदिक उपचार प्रदान करने में मदद करते हैं। अपने आयुर्वेदा व सेक्सोलॉजी मेडिसिन करियर में, अब तक उन्होंने भारत के 4.58 लाख से अधिक गुप्त व यौन रोगियों का सफलतापूर्वक इलाज किया है। दुबे क्लिनिक के साथ फ़ोन पर अपॉइंटमेंट बुक करें और अपनी सभी गुप्त व यौन समस्याओं से छुटकारा पाने के लिए निदान और उपचार प्राप्त करने के लिए क्लिनिक पर जाएँ। सही निर्णय लेना और आयुर्वेद का उपयोग करना स्वस्थ यौन जीवन की 100% गारंटी है। और अधिक जानकारी के लिए: - दुबे क्लिनिक भारत का प्रमाणित आयुर्वेदा व सेक्सोलोजी क्लिनिक डॉ. सुनील दुबे, सीनियर सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट हेल्पलाइन नंबर: +91 98350-92586 स्थान: दुबे मार्केट, लंगर टोली, चौराहा, पटना-04
₹ 200,0
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Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh)
Visualpath provides DevSecOps Training in Hyderabad, with real-time experts to hands-on training. Our Multi-cloud DevSecOps Online Training is available globally in the USA, UK, Canada, Dubai, and Australia. For more information, contact us at +91-9989971070. Visit https://www.visualpath.in/multi-cloud-devsecops-online-training.html
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Bangalore (Karnataka)
FlightsLogic's developers and dedicated travel GDS software team use best practices to make customer ideas a reality by deploying best-in-class travel portals, online booking engines, corporate travel booking tools, and IBEs. Over the last decade, we have deployed several travel booking platforms that are integrated with all of the major GDS and third-party APIs. Travel GDS Software is a computer-based network that connects travel agencies, airlines, hotels, and other service providers. It provides travel agencies with real-time information on availability, pricing, and inventory for travel services, allowing them to streamline the booking process for their customers. Many travel agents worldwide use the Global Distribution System (GDS) as their primary booking channel. It is also responsible for the rapid growth of the tourism industry. It functions as a centralized platform, allowing travel agencies to access real-time inventory, pricing, and availability for a wide range of travel services, streamlining the booking process for agents and customers. GDS helps travel companies find the best airline tickets, car rentals, hotel rooms, and so on for their customers. Travel companies tailor information to each customer's preferences and itinerary. Airlines, hotels, and car rental companies will rely heavily on travel GDS software as their primary distribution channel. Travel GDS Software consolidates inventory, availability, pricing, and other desired information and provides access to agents, OTAs, IBEs, and other channels.
₹ 0,0
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India (All cities)
Looking for a **luxury Tempo Traveller** for your next trip? At **Prisha Travels**, we offer well-maintained **12 seater Tempo Travellers** and **16 seater Tempo Travellers** for comfortable group travel. Whether you're planning a family vacation or a business trip, we provide top-notch **Tempo Traveller hire in Delhi**. Book your ride today with **Tempo Traveller Delhi** for a hassle-free travel experience!" Contact us:+ 91-9212344707 Website: www.prishatravel.com
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Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Are you an orthopedic surgeon looking to expand your knowledge and expertise in joint replacement surgery? Dr. Anoop Jhurani's fellowship program offers an unparalleled opportunity to gain hands-on experience and learn advanced Robotic and Computer-Assisted Surgery. Over 4 weeks, fellows will be trained in partial, total knee, hip, and revision surgeries. With the increasing role of technology in orthopedic surgery, this fellowship provides the cutting-edge skills necessary to succeed in modern arthroplasty. What You Will Learn The fellowship is structured to provide a comprehensive and evidence-based approach to joint replacement. Fellows will receive detailed training in the operating room and outpatient clinic, gaining insight into pre-operative planning, implant selection, and post-operative care. Additionally, fellows will learn the following: - Principles of Robotic and Computer-Assisted Surgery - Systematic approaches to treating arthritic patients - A variety of surgical methods, focusing on patient-specific outcomes - Balancing evidence-based techniques with patient-centered care With Dr. Jhurani's mentorship, fellows will build confidence and expertise in performing surgeries with robotic precision and accuracy, improving patient outcomes. Tips for Fast Recovery After Knee Arthroplasty Surgery As a fellow, you will also gain insight into post-operative care, a crucial aspect of joint replacement. Helping patients recover quickly and comfortably is as important as the surgery itself. Here are some key tips for fast recovery: 1. Early Use of the Knee: Patients must begin using their artificial knee as soon as possible after surgery. Under the supervision of a physical therapist, patients should stand up and use assistive devices such as walkers or crutches to ensure they get accustomed to their new knee. Early movement reduces stiffness and promotes healing. 2. Increase Physical Activity: Gradual increases in physical activity, particularly walking, are essential for recovery. Patients should follow a daily exercise plan to strengthen their knees and improve mobility. As the knee becomes stronger, they can progressively increase the duration and intensity of their walks. 3. Longer Walks Without Support: Over time, patients can start walking without support. Following the therapist’s guidelines ensures that daily tasks become easier, reducing the need for pain medications and helping patients regain their independence. 4. Increase Knee Strength: After approximately six weeks, patients should see improvements in their ability to perform household chores and daily activities. With the doctor or therapist's approval, patients may even resume driving and returning to work. Final Thoughts This fellowship offers a holistic training experience, combining surgical expertise with a strong emphasis on patient-centered care and rapid recovery. Fellows will not only learn advanced surgical techniques but will also acquire the skills to manage post-operative care effectively. By the end of the fellowship, participants will be confident in performing robotic and computer-assisted surgeries and developing comprehensive treatment plans for patients suffering from joint disorders. Join Dr. Anoop Jhurani’s fellowship program to elevate your career in orthopedic surgery and contribute to the advancement of patient care through the latest technologies and techniques in joint replacement surgery.
₹ 302.004,0
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Gurgaon (Haryana)
When it comes to the top mayonnaise brands in India, Veeba stands out with its creamy texture and rich taste. Perfect for sandwiches, salads, and dips, their mayonnaise is made with quality ingredients, ensuring every bite is delicious. Visit their website! Visit :- https://veeba.in/collections/mayonnaise Office No. 101, 1st Floor, Pegasus One, (Inside IBIS Hotel Complex) Golf Course Road, Sector 53, Gurugram Haryana, 122002 Tel-01244653250
₹ 99,0
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Delhi (Delhi)
Discover Polki diamond jewellery at Hazoorilal Jewellers with price details. Our stunning designs reflect the rich heritage of Indian jewellery, crafted to perfection. Each piece is a testament to our commitment to quality and elegance, ensuring you find the perfect addition to your collection. Visit: https://hazoorilaljewellers.com/eshop/polki-collection.html Hazoorilal Jewellers Address - Greater Kailash Part I,M-44, M-Block Market, New Delhi– 110048 Mob: +919811223344
₹ 50.000,0
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India (All cities)
Trawex is a leading travel technology company and integrates Sabre reservation software for travel agencies to deliver the best-in-class travel software. Most travel website, which relates to Sabre, does have flights, hotels, cars, cruise, rails and other value-added services. Through the Sabre system, all the travel data comes in real-time. We employ a lot of highly skilled professionals in the travel technology domain which has many features includes pricing, schedules, reservation, availability, and ticketing info. For more details, please visit our website: https://www.trawex.com/sabre-reservation-system.php
₹ 0,0
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Delhi (Delhi)
Searching for a trustworthy and secure online cricket betting platform? We have you protected! We provide a variety of betting IDs, from Iplonlinecricketid to casino games, in a fast and secure manner. Experience uninterrupted betting with round-the-clock customer service available to guide you throughout. Obtain your Online Cricket Betting ID now and begin participating in games! https://iplonlinecricketid.com/
₹ 100,0
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Bangalore (Karnataka)
If you are facing any type of issue with your Samsung home appliances and getting trouble to use then register your Samsung home appliance complaint at our service center which is Samsung Service Center In Bangalore. Here our service center provides the best Samsung home appliance service with our highly trained and experienced technician who can repair and resolve all the issues of the Samsung home appliance. You can register your complaint at our service center by dialing 8985609347. Royal Lake Front Phase1 and 2, Gottigere, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076
₹ 350,0
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